(That lightning is TOO close!)
Hi everyone.
We are having storms today and my nerves are a bit frayed! Storms don't usually frighten me much but today I'm having a little trouble with it. So, since I'm not at the top of my mental game, I thought I'd not try to be quick, sharp, and humorous in my blog and just pull out a few of my dog facts for your reading pleasure. Hope you enjoy!
Feet’ is the name of the phenomenon in which the bacteria on a
dog’s paws cause them to smell like corn chips. Because a pup’s
feet are in constant contact with the ground, they pick up tons of
microorganisms in their paws. When dogs cool off by sweating through
the pads of their feet, the combo of moisture and bacteria releaces a
nutty, popcorn-like aroma. Basically it’s dog B.O.
I've heard people say that corgis have intense cases of frito feet, but I don't usually have that problem myself. My beagle mix sister, Lucy, is the frito footer in our house. I think she smells, well, tasty!
Last time I shared dog facts, I spoke of the chow chow having a black or blue tongue. Well, here's another bit of trivia about the chow chow tongue. The Chinese who first bred the chow chow believed that these dogs licked
away the clouds and some of the sky was left on their tongues.
I haven't tasted sky, but I've rarely passed up the opportunity to taste anything, so I'd be willing to give it a go!
Speaking of the Chinese, In
ancient China, people used to keep warm by putting dogs up their
sleeves. Just imagine humans running around with a Pekingese up their sleeve. Haha! (Some people said the dogs were up there as defense method instead of a way to keep warm.)
We aren't Chinese; my mama calls us rednecks or even hillbillies. She says dogs are to keep the humans warm in bed on cold nights. When my sisters and I climb on the bed to snuggle, mama says this is a Three Dog Night!.
(Lucy has some thin hair and gets cold even when there is plenty of snuggling going on.)
One last Chinese fact: Kublai Khan, who established the Yuan Dynasty of ancient China, had the possession of 5,000 Mastiffs, the most dogs ever owned by a single person.
Have you ever known a Mastiff? 5,000 Mastiffs would equal an unimaginable vat of doggie drool!!
I saw a handsome pit bull fellow at the dog park the other day and, despite the rules against it, he had on a spiked collar. That brought to mind this fact: Spiked
dog collars were used in ancient Greece to protect dogs' throats from
wolf attacks.
Final fact on this stormy day: The
phrase “raining cats and dogs” originated in seventeenth-century
England. During heavy rainstorms, many homeless animals would drown
and float down the streets, giving the appearance that it had
actually rained cats and dogs.
This is an interesting fact, yet I can't help that it makes me sad. Imagine those poor doggies (okay, and kitties too) living out on their own and having to fight the elements without a mama or daddy to help keep them safe. While my human parents sometimes fail to serve me as quickly or efficiently as they should, I am thankful to be part of a family and have MOST of my needs met. Friends, please remember to give as you are able of your time, supplies, and funds so that stray and abandoned companion animals can have a great life. Like mine!
Til next time!
Love ya,
Lily the Corgi
(The END!)
NOTE: All interesting dogs facts listed in this article were taken from material publicly posted by various sources on the internet. I did not actually research or write any of this material myself.