I think we've been tricked by our humans! My tiny trust is shattered.
Hi, all, Lily the Corgi here. This week has been, quite frankly, very dull. Mama is up and running with her online business and had a lot of assignments this past week, so she didn't take us anywhere or play with us as much as she should have. Mama has kept her word to us about taking a break from fostering dogs for a while, so we didn't even have any rowdy, uncivilized beasts to cut the monotony of the hours. That is, until Saturday!
Bright and early Saturday morning, mama and daddy told us to get our leashes on because we were going in the truck. The weather was lovely, we were going somewhere, I'm thinking "Dog Park!" We were all very excited and hopped into the truck happily. We made it to the very end of our street when, hey...the dog park is to the right. Why are we turning left?
As it turns out, there was no dog park trip planned. We were going to a place called a fire station to a thing called a shot clinic. I didn't know what either of those things were, but color me skeptical, I didn't have a great feeling about this.
We unloaded at the fire station and that turned out to be pretty nice. A fire station is where they keep those really big, really loud red trucks that race around and have sirens that are very noisy. We were able to get up close and personal with the trucks, sniff the hoses, and check out all the knobs and valves and buttons on that thing. It was rather interesting. Then we left the trucks and went on around a building and found a whole line of other doggies, along with their parents who were all just eager to pet me and admire me as they all should. Maybe this wasn't going to be such an awful experience after all.
Lined up for the Shot Clinic
Mama and daddy had to file out forms while we dogs all sniffed and socialized with the others in line. Then we got into a little building that was FULL of people and dogs and shelves of boots, coats and hoses. It was very exciting. Then I noticed...dogs at the front of the line were being placed on a table and a guy behind the table was messing with them Wait, I recognize this scenario...this is the VET!
I don't know who made up this meme, but it summed up my feelings exactly!
Yeah, we were lining up to get actual shots...2 of them! Mama says one shot is to keep us from getting rabies, which is a horrible scary disease that kills any animal who catches it. The other shot is called a 5-in-1 and keeps us from getting parvo, distemper, and 3 other nasty doggy diseases. I guess that's a good thing; I don't want to get sick. But seriously? Two shots on a beautiful Saturday morning when we thought we were going to the dog park? That's just not fair. Poor old Sadie thought it was even MORE unfair...she already had taken her insulin shot that morning and would have to take insulin again at supper time, so she was well and truly tired of being poked with needles this day!
Despite the unfairness of the whole situation, I must say that the vet who gave me the shots was a fairly nice looking young man. And, because they were having to get paperwork done for all three of us, I was standing on the table for quite some time and the vet had nothing to do but pet me and tell me what a pretty girl I am. That was almost worth the shot. After the vet, we went to yet another table where there was a nice lady who gave me 2 charms for my collar--a pretty green rabies tag to show I have had my shot and a shiny silver city tag, to tell people I'm an official resident of my city. Like most girls, I'm always happy to get jewelry, so that was certainly a plus.
Here I am, sitting like a good girl, while the vet gives me my shots.
Now usually when we do something nice and behave ourselves like ladies out in public, mama and daddy will drop by Sonic and get us a little bag of tater tots to share, but not this time. Mama said that after having shots, sometimes dogs can be a little sickly; mama didn't want tater tots barfed in her floor so no tots for us. To make matters even worse, last night was "Cruise Night" in our town and we should have been welcome to go sit by the side of the road with all the other people and doggies in town to watch classic cars, motorcycles, and assorted oddities go up and down but noooooo. Mama said she really didn't want us to be out getting all excited (you can read that to say she didn't want Miss Neurotic Sadie getting all stressed) so we had to stay home. *Sigh*
Well, no one got sick and now daddy says we may get a treat later on; I know there are still chew treats in the kitchen. I don't know how I feel about all this shot clinic business. Mama says it is a good thing; our city puts on this shot clinic every year so residents can get low-cost vaccinations for their doggies. Mama says the law requires that we have that rabies shot and the city wants to make sure everyone obeys the law. She also says doggies who haven't had shots aren't allowed at the dog park! I'm sure I don't want any dogs getting sick and I certainly want to continue visiting the dog park, so I suppose it was all worth it. Hey, city people, maybe next year don't schedule shot clinic and Cruise Night for the same day, okay?
That's all I've got for this time folks. Why don't you check your records and be sure your doggies are up to date on their vaccinations? Even though it is a bit of a trial, having shots is really not such a bad experience and it can save lives. Many cities, towns, and rescue groups sponsor low-cost shot clinics from time to time. If you can't afford shots for your doggies, talk to your vet; he/she may be able to help you find a low-cost or even free option to keep those canines (and kitties) healthy.
I'm going to go give daddy the moist eyes until he comes up with that treat he owes us. Til next time, everyone, take care of each other.
Love ya,
Lily the Corgi
One more picture of us, sniffing our way through the line at the shot clinic.