Sunday, January 12, 2014


Hi, everyone.  My name is Lily the Corgi.  I was a contributing writer to the Corgi Cuteness website while it was may know me from my work there.  If not, well, let me introduce myself.

I am a Pembroke Welsh Corgi (that's the kind without tails.)  Like a lot of dogs, I've seen my share of troubles where my home life is concerned.  As a puppy, I was originally sold to a man who decided he couldn't spend as much time with me as he should; that was a kind thing because us corgis can get mighty lonely when we aren't with our humans.  Then, I was re-homed to live on a cattle ranch.  Well, I'm a corgi, so that suited me just fine!  Unfortunately, the new owner thought I was chasing his cattle--he must have missed the memo telling him that us corgis were bred to HERD cattle and that I was just following the instincts God gave me.  Anyway, he sent me off to a thing called a rescue, where I was placed with a foster family for a while; they were nice but I knew that wasn't my true home.

Then one day, I was loaded up in a carrier and taken to a Petsmart for an "adoption event."   I was a bit concerned because there were a lot of other dogs going along and I had no idea what this was all about.  My foster family told me I needn't worry because I was going to get a forever home.  Now, I know I'm beautiful and adorable and precious and all that, but having to compete with all these other dogs for a new family seemed a little intimidating.  My foster mom told me, however, that I didn't have to compete; my forever family had already chosen me via the Internet and I was going to meet them.  (Here's a picture of me looking pretty smug as we left Petsmart that day!)

So, in the last 3 years I've lived in 3 different houses in 3 different states, but always with my same forever family!  I have a daddy and a mama who love me very much.  I have 3 fur-siblings:  Claude is a grouchy old husky mix; Sadie is a neurotic Australian shepherd; and Lucy is a wild and crazy beagle mix.  All of them came from a place called an animal shelter, which I'm told is like a rescue but not as fancy.

Anyway, that's the story of my life so far.  I look forward to sharing my stories, tips, recipes, and ideas with you, so come back and visit me again!!

Love ya, 
Lily the Corgi

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