Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!  Corgis are always about love, not just on a specific day, but there is never anything wrong with a celebration!  So today, let's talk about love and Valentine's day.

Dogs of all kinds give unconditional love.  Unlike some sweethearts, we dogs aren't worried about whether you are dressed nicely, whether you have money, whether your car is fancy (though we are happiest when the windows roll down properly!)  We like to have a cozy home, but dogs will stay with you even if horrible luck befalls you and you wind up homeless.  We are loyal to our people.  In a way, Valentine's day must be made for dogs!

Our humans like to celebrate love on Valentine's day and I want to remind everyone that while celebrating you must be cautious.  Some traditional Valentine's day gifts are harmful to us dogs.  Take chocolate (I'd take all you've got, actually.)  Chocolate is poisonous to dogs.  Our vet says we are especially vulnerable to dark chocolate.  The smaller the dog, the smaller the amount of chocolate needed to cause a serious problem, but no dog should be given chocolate.  If your dog accidently consumes chocolate, call your vet. She can guide you on what to do to to help your baby out of this sticky situation...a sticky, messy, tasty, lip-licking, wonderful-tasting situation.  But I digress...

If you are watching your weight, your lover may bestow upon you a box of sugar-free treats.  Well, that's another problem for dogs.  Dogs can also get sick from an ingredient in artificial sweeteners called xylitol. This sweetener can cause dogs to have seizures and liver failure.  So, even if these treats seem to be healthier, this is true ONLY for humans, not pets. Dogs just shouldn't eat candy.  Grrrrrr

Some guys will skip the sweets altogether and instead favor their ladies with flowers.  These things can be lovely and smell nice, like the outdoors, but can also be a dog-hazard.  Many plants and flowers can be toxic to dogs, so be careful what is in your bouquet and make sure to display it up out of your dogs' reach.  I'm told one of the most dangerous blooms is the LILY; that just seems totally wrong to me...but on the other hand, I AM a pretty potent!

Here's a great idea--instead of giving candies or flowers or other gifts that bring just a fleeting moment of enjoyment, why not celebrate Valentine's day by giving the gift of life by making a donation of your time, money, and/or goods to your local animal shelter or rescue.  And maybe go out for a nice dinner.  And remember those packages of leftover food are called "doggy bags" for a reason!  All in moderation of course.  Wink, wink.

The VERY best thing for Valentine's day is a sweet kiss from your favorite doggy, so pucker up, folks, and have a great Valentine's Day!!!

Love ya,

Lily the Corgi

 (Our baby Cohen and my beagle mix sister Lucy share a little kiss.)

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