Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

(Mama sharing a kiss with my sister Lucy)

Hi folks, Lily the Corgi here to say "Happy Mother's Day" to all the moms out there.

Mother's Day is a great time to honor all our moms--human and canine.  Now everyone TECHNICALLY only has one mama, but many of us are lucky enough to have lots of heart-mamas--the mamas we gain by love without regard to biology or legality or anything except just love.  And I have several of those!

I personally can't remember much about my canine mama, although sometimes I suck in my sleep and my human mama says I must be dreaming about being a tiny puppy with my canine mama.  I'm sure my canine mama was beautiful--hey, she was a corgi after all!  I had a foster mama once; she was a nice lady who kept me safe for a while until my forever mama could find me. 

I have a human mama who loves me very much.  She feeds me, takes me to the dog park, feeds me, bathes me, feeds me, scratches my ears and belly, feeds me...well, she just does all sorts of nice things for me and for my 3 dog siblings.  

I also have several heart-mamas and I want to talk about them today:

My mama's friend Vicky stays at our house to pet sit when mama and daddy go out of town.  Vicky loves us like our real mama does...and we love her too!  Vicky lets us sleep with her and she gives us lots of special snacks.  (We especially enjoy the peanut butter crackers she brings with her!)
(Our Vicky with my sister Lucy)

Another of my heart mamas is my Aunt Cathy.  Aunt Cathy comes to visit us and lets me sit in her lap, even though she isn't the biggest fan of dogs (besides her own).  She calls me "ridiculous" because I tunnel under her hand and demand to be petted, but she smiles when she says it and always pets me.  When mama and daddy go out of town for just the day, Aunt Cathy comes to our house and lets us out to pee, so we don't get distressed before our parents come home.  Aunt Cathy is a wonderful mama to our cousin Quincy the wiener dog.  Quincy is about a thousand years old, has lost most of his teeth, and has a serious heart disorder--and Aunt Cathy keeps him feeling good and sassy despite all his problems.  Aunt Cathy is a great dog mama!
(Aunt Cathy hates pictures of herself, so here is one of her lap filled with Quincy the ancient wiener dog.)

Our Aunt Christy is another of our heart mamas.  Aunt Christy comes to visit us when she can and she loves to look at pictures of us on Facebook between visits.  Aunt Christy is a great ear scratcher and loves nothing better than to have a warm dog in her lap.  The BEST thing about Aunt Christy, though, is that she named her youngest daughter after me!!  Yep, she named her little girl LILY.  I am so beautiful and sweet, Aunt Christy thought my name would be perfect for her sweet and beautiful baby.  I have never been more honored!  Aunt Christy also has a fur-baby of her own, my cousin dog Bruiser.
(Here's Aunt Christy and my namesake, Lily the Human.)

My cousins Ryan and Chelsea are both dog mamas themselves--Ryan has 2 dogs named Cooper and Minnie while Chelsea is the dog mama of Ellie Mae.  The thing that makes these ladies our heart mamas doesn't really have anything to do with their pets, however.  They are our heart mamas because they bring us little playmates, their own human babies.  These babies are small and low to the ground, just like me, and they always smell like milk!  Oh yeah, the babies do sometimes get carried away and pull on an ear or a tail--well, they don't pull MY tail of course--but most of the time they are very sweet and the perfect height to kiss.  When they are a little more mobile, I'm going to have a blast herding these little people that Ryan and Chelsea bring to see us!
(Here's one of those babies they bring for our enjoyment.  So much fun!)

Mamas come in all shapes and sizes.  They are the original mamas who give birth to us and they are the adoptive mamas who love us.  They are the ones who live with us and care for us but they are also the ones who foster us and dog sit with us and just love us.  I'm awfully glad that I've been blessed with all sorts of these mamas.

Happy Mother's Day to ALL our mamas!

That's it for n...wait a minute...daddy is going into the kitchen to make Nutella waffles for Mother's Day.  Gotta run to the kitchen...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you have so many good mamas in your life Lily! All Corgis (and other furbabies) deserve to be loved!
