Sunday, May 3, 2015

What is Wrong With Your Face!?!

Do you see how FAT my snout is?   UGH!!  (And that's after the swelling was way down!)

Hi, all, Lily the Corgi here.  How was your week?  Here, things were going pretty well.  Mama has been getting ready for a fundraiser for our favorite animal rescue group, so she hasn't been paying nearly enough attention to me, but I knew that was going to be temporary so I dealt with it.  Then Friday morning came along.  Daddy had gone off to work and mama's alarm clock went off so she could get ready for her computer job; everything normal.  I was lying sweetly in the bathroom floor when mama stepped out of the shower and screeched, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR FACE?"

Well, to say the least, I was offended.  As we all know, there is absolutely nothing wrong with my gorgeous corgi face; how dare mama imply I am somehow less than perfect?  Thus began a long day of mama messing with my face and head--a lot.   Every time I sat still for more than a minute, mama was in my face.  If I slept for more than a few minutes, mama was waking me up with, "Lily, are you doing okay?"  I understand mama was concerned, but, geez.  

You see, my head was swollen; it appears I had gotten hold of the wrong end of a bee.  Mama said I no longer had the cute little nose and face; my head now was a solid slope from the tip of my snout to the back of my head.  Mama said I looked like a collie.  Mama kept trying to take a picture of me, but I wouldn't allow it--I think she just wanted a picture so she could humiliate me later.  After a few hours, mama thought my swelling was going down and things settled down.  A couple hours later and mama said I was re-swelling, so she loaded me up and took me to the vet.  The vet concurred that I had probably been stung by a bee...she also suggested I might have "snorted" some stinging insect.  Ridiculous woman...I'm too smart to snort anything; I don't do drugs.

The vet said I could take some Benedryl if needed but other than that, I should be fine.  She says the swelling should go away after a few days.  Mama quit stressing and made my life a lot easier.  She's still been grabbing me to look at my face a lot, but she isn't panic-stricken anymore.  Daddy has been petting me a lot and I sure like that.

Even though I didn't feel bad to start with, daddy makes me feel better!

Having this brush with with a small facial imperfection has made me think of a few of my friends who have much larger facial problems.  Even my cousin Quincy the ancient wiener dog has a face problem that altered the course of his life--he's a purebred boy who should have sold for a lot of money to someone so he could grow up to be a show dog, but since he has a huge overbite and wouldn't have been "fit" for the show ring, he ended up being my Aunt Cathy's pampered baby.

One very dear doggie with a different face is Lentil the French Bulldog.  Lentil was born with a severe cleft lip and palate that required surgeries to repair.  Lentil was luckily adopted by a kind woman who was committed to saving Lentil's life (he couldn't eat like other puppies) and giving him a great life.  Lentil is now a spokesdog who raises money and awareness for those with cranio-facial differences, both human and canine.  If you aren't familiar with Lentil, please take a look at his Facebook page "My Name Is Lentil"...he has turned his troubles into such of lot of good for so many!  

This was the tiny little face that grew up to be our buddy, Lentil
(photo from FB page My Name Is Lentil)

Another doggie who has become famous despite a face that is different from others is Tuna.  No, Tuna isn't a fish; Tuna is a dog.  In fact, lots of people believe Tuna is the world's ugliest dog, but those people aren't looking close enough at Tuna's funny, sassy, loveable personality.  Tuna raises funds for animal rescue.  Tuna has a beautiful heart and that is so much more wonderful than a perfect face.  Check out Tuna's Facebook page "Tuna Melts My Heart" and you might recognize him from books and a recent tv car commercial!

The lovely Tuna
(photo from FB page Tuna Melts My Heart)

So I realize I don't have to worry about a few facial imperfections.  I should have let mama take my picture when I was really swelled; heck, I might even have laughed at me later on!  I guess I learned a valuable lesson this week from my little insect-based edema.  

In other news, yesterday was very nice.  Grandma and grandpa came to visit so grandma could go with mama to her animal rescue fundraiser.  Grandma and grandpa always bring snacks when they visit and they were passing out dog treats like it was Christmas morning.  Aren't grandparents great?
Mama and the other ladies raised several hundred dollars for our favorite dog rescue group and that made us all very happy.  And best of all--the Royal Baby was born.  Yes, another little British royal who should grow up to love and appreciate corgis.

Today was just a nice, relaxing day.  Mama says the swelling in my face has gone down a lot.  I have had a little itching in my face, especially when it was really swelled up, but this has all bothered my parents much more than it bothered me.  Mama says I have to be more careful when I play around in the flower beds out back.  Hello!  How can I stop to be careful when there are squirrels running amok?

Til next time, folks, take care of each other and watch out for wandering insects!

Love ya,

Lily the Corgi

Why are you petting those two?  I'm the one with the hideous head injury.

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