Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dog Park!

(You meet all kinds of dogs at the dog park.  I think this guy is part wolf!)

When we decided to move (again) 7 months ago, I was a bit upset.  Our yard in west Texas was very nice and I had a boyfriend next door, Dexter, of whom I was quite fond.  But I go where my humans go, so I left those things behind and moved to Arkansas.  Our yard here isn't as nice, but it does have a lot of trees and almost as many squirrels as we had before.  And here we get to see our cousins, human and canine, much more often, so I guess I can't complain.

One thing I must say is quite wonderful here--the dog park.  We had a small park when we lived in northeast Oklahoma, but in Texas there wasn't one.  So when we came here, I was interested to see what kind of dog park this new place had to offer.  WOW!  There is some land at the end of the airport property in Fort Smith (of which our little town is a suburb) and the city decided to use that as a dog park.  This place is HUGE!  There are trees and hills and a large pond and a doggy drinking station.  The humans have benches to sit on so they can visit while we dogs do our visiting.  No leashes needed--we get to run free!  All in all, I have to say that it is a fantastic dog park!  My sisters, Claude, and I like to go as often as our parents will take us.

Besides the lovely area, the best thing about the dog park is having the opportunity to meet new friends. Dogs of all shapes and sizes show up at the park--I've met fellow corgis, bulldogs, pit bulls, schnauzers, all kinds of dogs.  Today there was even a Great Dane; that guy was TALL!  And the dogs all bring their humans along, and all humans love me.  I am able to visit with the people and get a lot of petting and scratching and attention.  Life at the dog park is good.

If you've never been to the dog park, you should ask your humans to take you to one as soon as possible. You should remember to be on your best behavior at the park and not do any fighting; fighting is frowned upon at the dog park.  (A little growling and yipping is to be expected, though.)

Most dog parks will have posted rules which your humans will need to read.  Dogs at the dog park must have their vaccinations so no one gets sick.  And please remember to take a bag along to clean up after any dog that has toilet needs during his/her visit.

To wrap this up:  The dog park is a wonderful place for exercise and socialization.  If you're ever in Fort Smith, look me up and I'll meet you at the dog park!  I'm leaving you with some pictures of today's adventures.

Til next time!
Love ya,
Lily the Corgi


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time, Lily. I think your parents should take you there ever day! My Humphrey says he wishes he could go!

  2. Yes, Pat, we had a great time! I agree...we should be able to go there every day! Tell Humphrey I said "hi." Love ya! Lily
