Run, corgis, run!
Hi all, Lily the Corgi here. I'm pretty tuckered out today after mama and daddy took me to a SUPER exciting event yesterday. Let me tell you all about it. First, some background...
If you've been around here long, you know that I live in a home with my 2 rescue dog sisters Sadie and Lucy, and that we often have various foster dogs hanging around as well. I'm quite proud of my parents who have taught me not to discriminate against anyone based on their creed, color, religion, tail status, eye color, fur texture, or size. I got to thinking, though, that this means I've never really been around many of my own kind--the corgi kind, I mean. We are an ecclectic mix of breeds here at our house and none of our fosters have been corgi. I have seen a couple of corgis at the local dog park, but that's about it. Now, I'm happy living my life as part of a "blended" society, but I can't help wondering what it would be like to know more corgis.
Well, this weekend, my mama and daddy decided it was high time I spent time with some of my own kind, so they bundled us all up yesterday, put us in the car, and headed out to Tulsa to a CORGI RALLY!. There were 42 gloriously wonderful corgis in a dog park on a bright sunny winter's day. There were red ones and tri colored ones, there were fat ones and just chubby ones (can't say I saw any skinny ones), there were old ones and young ones, there were Pems and Cardis. There were a few corgi mixes--like my beagle sister Lucy--and a few visitors--like our foster Bernie. We were in the small dog section of the dog park, so there weren't any tall dogs around to bother us, just short leggers as far as they eye could see.
See how much joy there was?
I had never been around so many corgis in my life. There was much running, frapping, barking, and derping. There were a few minor fights, nothing serious and no one got hurt. We chased tennis balls, herded everything that moved, and, best of all, we got lots of petting from all the corgi parents who understand just what special little beings we truly are. I kept hearing people in the big dog section exclaiming "Oh my, look at all the corgis!" It made me so happy to be recognized and appreciated as a breed.
There I am in the center, getting pets from a corgi-loving stranger.
We all had such a good time and there was such a nice turnout for the event, the organizers are thinking of making this a monthly event! I'm sure I won't be able to make it to all of the gatherings, but I'm looking forward to meeting back up with my new friends in the near future. If you dogs out there ever get the chance to attend a meet-up, whether it is a breed rally, a shelter reunion, or just a dog party, I highly recommend you attend.
What a wonderful day!!
Last Monday, the boys came over and spent the day while my cousin Chelsea gave birth to our newest human cousin, Luke. We had a good time with the boys; as I predicted, we were able to pilfer quite a few snacks (Jake was feeding us marshmallows...very sweet and soft and fluffy and tasty.) Our new baby, Luke, was born half grown, but he's still just a newborn so he'll be little and sweet and milky for quite a while to come. Speaking of meetings, I can't wait to meet Luke!
Baby Luke...he's a big 'un.
And finally, our Uncle Scott and Aunt Christy adopted a new dog this past week from the great folks at Celtic Corgi Rescue. Guess what? Yep, corgi! She recently had knee surgery but mama says I'll be able to meet her and have little small corgi rallies with her in the near future. Her name is Ruby and I bet we'll be good friends.
Ruby with my human cousing Alicia
Wow, what a week! And now we are finally getting a little bit of snow, which suits me just fine. Everyone out there stay warm and enjoy life as much as I do!
Til next time,
Love ya,
Lily the Corgi
So much happy makes me tired :)