Saturday, February 7, 2015

Mama's Home Again!

If I could type on this thing, I wouldn't have to wait for mama to help with my blog.

Hi, all, Lily the corgi here.  Did ya miss me?  Silly question, of course you did!  As I told you last time, my mama and Aunt Vicky ran off on yet another of their cruises, leaving me at home to keep everyone on their best behavior.  I think I did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself.  In fact, we fared better here than mama and Aunt Vicky did on their cruise.  I'll spare you the entire sordid story but let's just say this has been deemed "the cruise from hell," their only excursion in paradise was spent in a Mexican hospital, and Aunt Vicky came home with a bunch of stitches holding together a big gash in her leg.  Maybe next time they'll stay home and pet me...a much preferable activity.

Our little humpaholic foster, Clark, left for his rescue in Colorado 2 days ago and I'm hearing there already may be an adoption in the works for him.  Clark was a pretty nice guy (aside from that ridiculous humping) and I hope he gets a new forever family that will spoil him rotten.  Since Clark was leaving, mama got a new foster (can you hear my eyes rolling?)  The new guy is named Bernie and I must admit he is one cute little dog.  Bernie is a lot like my neurotic sister Sadie; he is afraid of everything--coming in doors, riding in the car, people, leaves, etc... He has warmed up now to the point he will play a little with my sister Lucy but he has a LONG way to go to be a normal dog.  Bernie isn't housebroken, didn't understand he could come to mama and daddy for petting and belly scratches, and seemed to think someone was going to steal his food.  Okay, that last part may be justified since Sadie has been known to pilfer the kibble.  My Aunt Vicky and her sister Gayle came over yesterday and Bernie was very friendly with Gayle; maybe they will decide to adopt him.

This is Bernie.  Mama says she thinks he'll be adopted soon.  I'm hoping so because mama gets "the look" in her eye when she pets him.  I'm afraid if he's here long, he'll never leave!

Mama is supposed to be in charge of a thing called a fundraiser for the rescue people that keep bringing these fosters to us.  That means she is going to organize some sort of event to raise money to pay for vet bills and transports to other states.  Mama says she'd like to have some kind of event that would involve dogs since this is for an animal rescue, after all.  If any of my loyal readers have any suggestions please share with us.  In a perfect world, we'd raise enough money that we could get hotel rooms for all these critters and I won't have to share my home with any more fosters.  Okay, I know that isn't going to happen, but a girl can dream, can't she?

We are all anxiously awaiting an addition to our family.  My human cousin Chelsea is expecting a baby any day; that is very exciting!  Our last human babies are now almost 2 years old and not really babies anymore...they were so much fun when they were small!  They were soft and cuddly and made cute little noises and smelled like milk.  Don't get me wrong, they're still nice kids, but now they are running around and busy--sometimes they pull my ears or even accidently sit on me!  A nice, milky baby will be great to have around again.

Here's my sister Lucy enjoying a little milk breath on baby Cohen...he's no longer a baby!

Just a reminder to everyone that next Saturday is Valentine's Day, a day to show your love to that special someone or some dog in your life.  Remember that dogs and chocolate do not mix (though we'd sure like to!)  And remember that dogs and sugar free stuff don't always mix.  And that even dogs and some flower arrangements may not mix.  Bottom line...get your doggie a nice new squeaky toy for Valentine's day!  And maybe a crispy slice of bacon.  Or a little piece of steak.  Perhaps a small portion of chicken...with noodles, or maybe baked into a flaky pot pie.  Hmmm, now that I mention it, pie would be nice.  Apple pie, with cheese.  I enjoy cheese very much.  Did I ever mention that I, like many corgis, struggle with my weight?  It's a curse.

Anyway, mama says if you can't think of anything original to give for Valentine's day, you could always donate to your local shelter or rescue...or to the rescue for which mama volunteers, 3 Girls Animal Rescue.  Nothing would say love better than saving a life!

Til next time, take care of each other and Happy Valentine's Day!

Love ya,

Lily the Corgi

I'm so glad mama is home; resting on her pillow just isn't the same unless she's there too. 

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