Sunday, March 8, 2015

We've Sprung Forward

I don't understand this "spring forward" stuff

Hi, all, Lily the Corgi here; how's your week been?  Here, things have been mostly normal, but with a few twists.  Our foster dog, Bernie, left us on his transport to Denver to seek his new forever home. We were all rather fond of the little guy and wish him well.  After Bernie left, we had our home and our mama and daddy all to ourselves for ONE night and then a new foster arrived...nothing unusual there.  But here's the catch--this new foster is a GIRL!  We don't do girl fosters here.  I have no time, energy or patience to deal with any more little bitches attempting to take over my rightful place as queen of all I survey.  I thought I had made that abundantly clear to my parentals after we got Lucy, but perhaps they've forgotten.  So, for the next couple of weeks, we have Canyon.

The new foster; she's a beagle mix named Canyon

This animal is insane!  She is about 9 months old, just a puppy, and is in to everything.  Mama says I should act like a mama corgi and show Canyon the ropes, but just no.  Canyon just goes looking for stuff to get into and it wears me out just watching her.  And she has no sense of personal space.  Tonight she was sitting on MY mama and reached her snout down and began rummaging on MY belly like she was looking for a nipple!  I had to nip her on the nose to remind her that my bikini area is off limits to anyone unless I give permission.  Whew, it's gonna be a long 2 weeks.

Anyway, something that happened here last it did to many of this thing called daylight savings time.  It seems the humans tell time by looking at devices called clocks and they attempt to manipulate time by messing with these clocks; I totally don't get it all except that it changes the time when we get fed and when we go to bed and just a whole batch of other things and that annoys me.  Daddy says this daylight savings time thing is good because it means there will be more daylight hours after he gets home from work, so he'll be able to play in the yard with us more and maybe take us to the dog park on week nights.  On the other hand, mama hates the daylight savings time because she says it is just unnatural for it to be bedtime and still not fully dark.  I don't know; I just want my dinner at the same time every day.  Is that really too much to ask??

This playing with the clocks is a signal that spring is just around the corner; another sign is birds.  We've had a yard full of birds for the past couple of weeks.  One morning, I managed to slip out the door very quietly and sneak up to the bird feeder area and catch a bird off guard.  He was sitting on the ground eating dropped seeds and I grabbed him.  I truly didn't mean to hurt him, but I think I may have scared him to death.  Anyway, my mama came running out to see what had happened and yanked the bird away; she tried to revive it but it was too dead.  I feel a little bad, but then again, a girl has to hunt sometimes.

Last night daddy made a fire in our fire pit and we all sat outside and enjoyed a mild evening.  Off in the field behind our house, we could hear little frogs singing.  Mama says that means bugs aren't far behind.  I don't like bugs.  When that new foster came the other day, mama found 2 ticks on her...UGH.  Mama and daddy put this oily stuff on our fur each month to keep us from getting ticks and fleas and other creepy, crawly things on us.  Another spring reminder--If your dogs don't have their flea preventative through the winter, now is the time to start back up with that!

I think she was trying to sneak up and put a tick on me.

Even though it snowed last week, there are patches of green showing up in our yard where little grasses are popping through the ground.  Spring is the time when stuff starts growing and budding and blooming all over the place, and the time my sister Sadie starts getting itchy.  She is allergic to grass (I kid you not; what a ridiculous condition for a dog.)  Soon Sadie will start having to take Benedryl again to keep her from scratching herself raw.  If you have a dog that has unexplained itches, especially in the spring and summer months, talk to your vet about possible allergies.  It may be that just the simple act of a taking a sweet roll in the grass could make your doggie miserable.

Daddy says that since spring is right around the corner, it is time for him to clean up our yard and make it safe and pretty for all of us again, dogs and humans.  Over the winter months, sticks and limbs get broken off by ice and can scrape or jab a dog or one of the human babies when playing outside.  When we had our foster Linus, somehow my wonderful small mole digging hole area got competely out of control and now it looks like the craters of the moon.  Daddy says a human could turn an ankle and break something or a small dog might fall in and be lost, so he needs to take care of that too. 

Spring seems like a whole lot of work to me. Cleaning and clearing and medicating and changing clocks around, all while making sure the routine of your corgi isn't disturbed, seems like quite an ordeal.  I'm glad I have my mama and daddy around to take care of all that for me.  Leaves me more time for things like bird hunting and planning a new design for my mole hole digging.

Til next time, take care of each other and get your spring chores underway!

Love ya,

Lily the Corgi

I leave you with a few pictures of me and a REAL Canyon.  This is the Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas Panhandle, where we used to live.  It is supposed to be the 2nd biggest canyon in the US, second only to the Grand Canyon.  It is a beautiful place.  I like that Canyon much better than the one now living in my house.

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