That is one good looking corgi right there.
Hi all, Lily the Corgi here. How are you doing? I hope you are having a wonderful Mother's Day! I want to give my love to all the moms out there, human and canine. They do so much for us every day and we don't give them nearly enough appreciation for a difficult and never ending job. Not that they don't bring the work on themselves. I mean, they're the ones who do things like giving birth, adopting, and, oh maybe, FOSTERING??
Yeah, fostering. So last week, the lady from the dog rescue called my mama and she was in a panic. It seems she had a load of dogs on their way to their various foster homes, which is a very good thing. She had taken one little dog to her foster home and the foster family dog there is apparently even MORE bat crap crazy than my sister Sadie (is that even possible????) The crazy dog wanted to kill the foster dog. So anyway, the rescue lady called my mama and said the foster dog had no where to go, the fosters were full, the shelter was full, please help. So guess what? Right. We have a new foster.
The new foster. Her name is Keisha.
Well, you know the routine around here. Sadie was less than pleased; I had to show the newbie who runs the show; Lucy has favorite toys that were in immediate jeopardy. Actually, this time around, Sadie chose mostly to growl softly and then ignore the newcomer. Lucy is the one who has been most vocal in her displeasure at the new arrival--yep, mild mannered Lucy has had enough of this fostering business. I knew it was going to happen. After the demise of her beloved gingerbread baby toy, Lucy has drawn her line in the proverbial sand. Daddy bought her a new toy (dragon baby) and Lucy is not about to lose it. So, second day here, Keisha grabbed dragon baby and it got ugly. We now have several new toys and dragon baby is safely put away. Lucy is happy again but she will not acknowledge the new girl exists. Pretty sad since Lucy is usually the one who plays with the fosters and tries to show them the ropes. We told mama we were tired of the fostering but she didn't listen. Now our house smells like pee again and we are pouting. However, Keisha is beautiful and someone will surely want to adopt her soon.

Left: Keisha courts danger by playing with dragon baby!
Right: Lucy sleeps the sleep of the righteous after dragon baby is saved from the clutches of the interloper Keisha.
So anyway, Mother's Day. Keisha is going to the vet on Wednesday to be spayed. Of course, all of us girls have been properly spayed because we don't do puppies at our house (and if we ever thought we wanted to, this fostering would have brought us to our senses in a hurry!) It is SO important that all girls be spayed before they start populating the world with more puppies. Obvioiusly, my offspring would have been remarkable, but there are just so many doggies in this world who do not have good home and who suffer from neglect, abuse, starvation and just plain loneliness. Mama says that as young as she is, she thinks Keisha may have already had a litter at some point. Mama says she can tell because of boobies. I personally don't go around checking out boobies; proper etiquette demands that butt sniffing is the way to go for any well-bred, well-mannered pooch.
Well, I realize today's blog post is a bit light on content, but we are having yet another storm roll in here. This is about the third or fourth day of storms here. Mama and daddy are talking about getting a boat. I think that's a really great idea and would be lots of fun; Sadie rolled her crazy eyes at me and said they don't literally mean it and it has something to do with the story of some guy named Noah and a flood...I have no clue. But, til next time, all, keep your heads above water and take care of each other. Oh, and hug your mama!
Love ya,
Lily the Corgi
Found this on the internet and don't know to whom the credit goes for creating it.
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