Hi all, Lily the Corgi here! Sorry this blog post is a day late. My secretary (mama) was out of town on Saturday doing a job and then yesterday she seemed to think she didn't have to do any typing for me because it was her birthday. Pfft! You just can't get good help anymore.
Mama's birthday falls on a day called Flag Day here in the US, which is a day to recognize and celebrate the good old red, white, and blue--or for me, the sort of grayish stipey thing. I'm not sure what all the rage is about flags, but I understand that flags are meant to sometimes show that a person or country or perhaps a doggy has possession of an area...and I am ALL about showing possession, so my interest was caught.
As it turns out, dogs and flags have a pretty solid connection. As we all know, dogs have long served under their countries' flags in time of war and have conducted themselves proudly and honorably in that service. Likewise, dogs regularly serve as police officers to help human cops keep us safe. If something bad happens and one of these hero dogs, military or police, dies in the line of duty, they are entitled to a funeral with a flag draped coffin just like their human counterparts. This shows the peoples' respect for the service these K9 heroes perform each and every day.

Left: The flag draped coffin of a K9 soldier killed in the Middle East comes home.
Right: The funeral service for Oklahoma City police K9 Kye, killed in the line of duty.
Across the pond, as they say, there is a long association between the corgi and the British flag. Since the corgi has been the preferred breed of the British monarchy for the past 75 years or so, you can well imagine that there are a plethora of depictions of our wonderful breed alongside their flag.
Quite the regal looking pair, sitting before their flag!
There are some places which seek to celebrate critters on their flags--the state of California has a bear on their flag while Wyoming's flag sports a bison. Several of our great states put a big old eagle on their state flag. Alas, no state has a corgi. But...up to our neighboring north, the Yukon Territory in Canada has a flag which contains the image of a DOG, namely, a malamute like our late brother Claude the husky/malamute mix.
I think their territorial song should be howling.
I was not familiar with the flag of Wales, the country from which corgis originated, but I figured there should be corgis on it, right? Wrong. The Welch flag is green and white with some large mythical dragon creature on it. Now doesn't that seem silly to anyone but me? We corgis are the most important thing ever to come out of Wales and still they use an imaginary animal for their flag? What's up with that people? Seriously.
You know what I'd like to see? A bacon flag. Now that would be a flag. Rich, aromatic, popular, and always in good taste (hehe).
I could get behind this flag...behind it, all up in it, whatever
way you want to look at it, just so I get a bite!
Just a few more thoughts about flags before I move on to the couch. I read a story last night about a guy who got sick and tired of irresponsible dog owners in his nieghborhood.who would walk their doggies and let the doggies do their stinky business all around but never clean it up. The guy contacted the police, the home owner's association all to no avail. Finally the guy decided the only way he might have any influence on his rude nieghbor was to make the transgression so public that an outcry was raised. So the guy got a bunch of little bright pink flags and began going around the neighborhood placing flags in the dog, um, piles that had been left behind. I just pictured a whole neighborhood with pretty pink flags waving in the breeze! The story didn't have any word on whether this helped the situation for this guy or just made him feel better. But I DARE you to try not to think of doggy poop next time you see a little pink flag somewhere!
Okay, folks, I realize this post today has been light on corgi content, but I just couldn't get my mind off all the Flag Day stuff. Now that I've written all about it, maybe I can move on with my life--at least until July 4th when all the flags will be waving and the fireworks will be flying. Til next time, take care of each other and remember to have fun with flags!
Love ya,
Lily the Corgi
The pictures this week came from various internet sites including:
I have no ownership of any of the images in this blog (except the one taken by my mama) and have not knowingly reproduced copyrighted material. If I have done so in error, please advise ASAP and I will remove the offending photo.
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