Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Corgi's Work Is Never Done

Watching that pesky squirrel

My mama is obsessed with rescuing critters.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love this trait in her; after all, this is what brought me to my happy home and family.  But sometimes, her rescuing can get a bit annoying to us fur-kids.

One day, we were out for a nice leisurely drive when mama stopped the vehicle so suddenly I almost slid off my seat.  Mama hopped out, ran down the street, and came back carrying a tortoise!  She put this thing in the front passenger seat--a seat of honor I'd love to sit in, but I'm not allowed!!  When my sister Sadie growled at the thing, mama actually scolded her.  Thank goodness, mama drove out to the country and set the thing free, but I was offended.

Last year, mama met a dog from the local animal shelter and fell in love with her.  In a fit of insanity, daddy went to the shelter one day while mama was at work and brought this dog home to be our 5th fur-kid.  She was a nice enough dog, I'm sure, but the attention here is stretched quite far enough already, in my opinion.  Obviously, my neurotic sister Sadie thought so too, because she just went bat crap crazy.  With barking, growling, and even a show of violence, Sadie made it known she was not ready to welcome another sibling to the family and daddy took this dog back to the shelter.  (I'm pleased to say that the dog, named Snoopy, was able to find her own forever home at an adoption event a few weeks later.)

Now that we've moved to Arkansas, mama has decided she should take care of the back yard wildlife.  When we had our first ice storm several months ago, mama and daddy started feeding birds...they even bought a bird feeder to hang in the yard.  I'm all for birds; they are kind of interesting to watch and they don't tend to bother me much, so why not let them hang out?

Earlier this week, we had another ice storm and the birds swooped down in full force to catch a free meal at the bird feeder.  Yesterday morning, we looked out the window and saw this:

Lovely cardinal ladies waiting their turn at the feeder.  But wait!  The cardinal ladies are usually the alpha birds of our yard--so why would they be standing on a solid sheet of ice, waiting?  Well, here's the reason:

Intruder Alert!!  This interloper was trying to steal the food out of the bird feeder.  Now, I was mad!!  No ridiculous squirrel is going to come in and take over MY yard!!!  

Mama had to take the time to snap a zillion pictures, then she opened the door and let me out to do my job.

Yep, it was Lily vs. the squirrel.  And guess who prevailed?  Oh, this little rodent didn't go quietly...I had to chase and bark at him several times before he got the message that I was serious.  I continued to patrol the yard throughout the day and I'm proud to say that squirrel didn't terrorize the bird feeder anymore!  

Today, I'm keeping an eye out to be sure only authorized users are at the feeder.  So far, so good, but I remain ever vigilant and on duty.  That's the corgi way.

Til next time.

Love ya,
Lily the Corgi
(Squirrel Remover)