Sunday, March 23, 2014

Time Change; Season Change

(Time change and seasonal change makes me tired!)

Hi, friends.  Lily the Corgi here.  There is really nothing pressing happening in my world, so I thought I'd just let my thoughts flow and talk a little about change.  Now, as you know, I'm a corgi, which means I am a happy, flexible little being.  I can deal with changes; with my parents, that's a requirement.  I love my human parents, but they are not the most stable people--we owned 3 different houses in 3 different states in less than a year, for example.  But I digress...

According to the calendar, two major changes have recently occurred--we have changed from Central Standard Time to Central Daylight Time and we have moved from winter to spring.  I'll tell you the truth, I'm not sure how I feel about either of these changes.

My mama likes it when it is Standard time and when it is winter.  She likes that it gets dark earlier in the evenings and she enjoys snowy, cold weather.  I also enjoy the long evenings when I can curl up on the couch or in a lap.  I am not a lover of snow, like Claude the grouchy husky mix, but I don't mind it so much either like my cold-natured beagle mix sister Lucy.  On the other hand, my daddy likes Daylight savings time and enjoys the warmer seasons.  I agree with daddy that there's a lot to be said for having longer daylight hours in the evening time and more clement weather--more opportunities for walks, trips to the dog park, and squirrel chasing.  Also, my favorite spot in the house is on the hearth tiles and it's too hot there when a fire is lit, so milder weather means I'll get my spot back!  So, really, I could go either way on these changes, personally.

What really gets up my snout, though, is just the change itself.  At our house we have a schedule. We eat at the same time every day and this is very reassuring to us dogs.  We know that when the time comes around, we'll get our bowls filled.  But, when this Daylight savings time thing comes around, our schedule is messed up; then again in the fall, reverting back to Standard time causes another upheaval.  It's enough to make my stomach upset (though not as upset as Lucy's was when she stole a pork chop bone last week.)

Getting up in the morning and going to bed at night also gets moved around with these time changes.  I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be in bed or not when the sun rises.  And what about bed time?  I just don't know.   It's enough to wear me out!

One truly disturbing thing about the seasonal change is that no one seems to be able to decide which season should prevail.  One day it will be warm and breezy and wonderful; the next day, it will sleet; and the next day there will be rain.  I am so lucky to have my nice double coat; single coated, short furred dogs like Lucy are just very uncomfortable right now.  I'm pretty sure the guys on tv that talk about weather are the ones who decide what the temperature and humidity should be; I just wish they'd make up their minds!

Now mama tells me that we are going in to tornado season.  It actually rained and we had a little lightning last night.  We've been in the middle of something called a drought for quite some time and so we almost forget what the rain and storms are all about.  In fact, Lucy was quite worried about the lightning last night--she even growled at it a little.  We've not lived here in our new home during tornado season, so I guess we'll have to brush up on our storm protocol very soon.  My daddy was a tornado spotter for the city of Pampa when we lived in west Texas, but I never got to ride along.  I bet I can spot anything better than humans can!

Anyhow, I just had to do a little rambling about the time and the weather.  I'll write more about storm season...when I'm able to hold my eyes open long enough to do a little research, that is!  I'll leave you today with a few snapshots of my fur siblings and me enjoying the weather!

Til next time!
Love ya,
Lily the Corgi

(Lucy enjoying a warm blanket on a winter's night)

(And soaking up the sun on a bright winter day)

(Here I am last fall, checking out stuff at the dog park.)

(And here we were during a snow storm.)

(And checking out the squirrels after a spring ice storm.)

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