Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Lookback

(Here I am, supervising the backyard egg hunt)

Hi everyone!  This blog post is a day late--yesterday was Easter and I took the day off to relax and enjoy a family celebration.  My human grandparents and some of my human aunts, uncles, and cousins came to visit; my mama's friend and our favorite dog sitter Vicky also showed up!  I got lots of petting and scratching, not to mention the random scrap of Easter ham and some goodies out of the Easter eggs!  I enjoy a good family gathering and this one was quite nice.

Anytime we have a gathering coming up, my mama spends several days in the kitchen.  She loves to cook, and we are all quite grateful for that!  I try to help her as I am able; my short legs and lack of opposible thumbs limit my culinary abilities, but I'm all over the floor clean-up duties.

(Mama is a messy chef; I work hard to keep the area clean and free from spills and dropped items.)

Easter can be a very disappointing holiday for seems the main traditions of Easter revolve around chocolate candy.  Mama and daddy insist that chocolate is bad for dogs; I'm always willing to take the risk and eat a little (or a lot) but my parents just won't allow it.  This year, mama said that even the kids were getting too much chocolate and so she filled Easter eggs with other things like animal crackers, marshmallows, and Mickey Mouse stickers.  That was kind of nice since the humans weren't as vigilant about snatching away the animal crackers and marshmallows when we dogs found any dropped on the floor.  
My beagle mix sister Lucy decided to just help herself and not wait for the kids to drop any goodies from their eggs.  Lucy trotted out in the yard and hunted a few eggs herself.

(Look closely; you'll see an Easter egg tucked away in Lucy's mouth!)

(She also thought it was okay to hunt eggs directly out of the short kids' baskets!)

But the best part of the day came after all the cooking was over, the feasting done, and the eggs all hunted. After that came the time for just sitting around, visiting, petting, scratching and enjoying the company of those we love.  What could be better?

(The little girl on the right is my human cousin whose name is also Lily--she is actually named after ME!)

Hope everyone had a great Easter as we did.  Til next time!

Love ya,
Lily the Corgi


  1. Happy Easter from Humphrey. He had a good Easter too, a bit of ham on his dinner and a nice walk in the morning.

    1. Gotta love the Easter ham! It's not quite bacon, but a good substitute. Glad your holiday was a good one, Humphrey :)
