Sunday, April 6, 2014

Interesting Dog Facts!

We've been kind of lazy around the old homestead for the past few days so we haven't had any noteworthy adventures.  That has given me a chance to do some surfing on the Internet and I have found some quite interesting dog facts I thought I'd share with everyone.

(Here I am, relaxing and pondering interesting facts.)

The other night I watched the movie "Titanic" with my mama.  Did you know there were actually 12 dogs on the Titanic?  Three of them survived.  (I don't believe any of them were corgis.)

A greyhound can run up to 45 miles per hour.  Obviously, they don't have short little corgi legs.

Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the Bible (Take that, cats!)

Almost all dogs have pink tongues.  Shar-peis and Chow Chows have black tongues.

(My sister Lucy demonstrates the pink tongue.)

Saving us pain and vet bills, dogs do not have an appendix.  (What are those things good for anyway?)

In the US, about 1 million pet owners have named their dog as the primary beneficiary in their will. 
Hmmm...I need to check mama and daddy's important paper drawer.

Ancient Romans believed tail docking prevented rabies.  (So why do I have to get those rabies shots?)

(Corgi butts are especially attractive, don't you think?)

Okay, that's it for this week.  I'm saving the rest of my interesting facts for a later post.  Thanks for stopping by!

Til next time,
Love ya!

Lily the Corgi