Monday, June 16, 2014

Never a Dull Moment...

Hi all, Lily the Corgi here.  I'm late getting this blog to you, but my secretary (mama) was out of pocket yesterday--you just can't get reliable help nowadays!  This past week was a little hectic at our house, so let me just tell you about it.

My grouchy husky brother Claude was having health issues, as you know.  He still hasn't been able to get his teeth worked on so he's having trouble eating.  Frankly, I can't imagine any circumstance under which I'd have trouble eating, but that's just me.  Anyway, mama decided it was time to try Claude out on canned food.  Claude thought the canned food was super yummy; us girls thought it smelled super yummy, too, but mama wouldn't share it with us.  For a few days, Claude got to eat this yummy canned food and seemed perfectly happy.  Then, one night, daddy got up in the night to let us out to pee and found the whole house covered in, well, disgusting Claude poop.  Mama and daddy were up before 5 am shampooing the carpets.  I think it served them right for refusing to share the yummy smelling food with all their kids; if they hadn't been so stingy with it, maybe they wouldn't have had this problem.  Okay, so Claude is now back to eating our regular dog food, but he gets it soaked in water so it makes his kibble look all plump and moist and yummy.  The rest of us would like to try out this new culinary creation, but once again, mama is only giving it to Claude.  Hmmmm...seems perhaps she didn't learn any lesson here.  I'll keep you posted.

I don't remember if I've told you before that my beagle mix sister Lucy has seizures.  She began having them a year or so ago and up til now hasn't had them very often.  Her vet said that as long as they were far between, mama and daddy could choose not to start her on any medications for the seizures since once started, she'll probably be on the medications for life.  Up til now, they've chosen not to medicate her.  I'm pretty impressed with my parents on that call; let me explain why.  Years ago, before Lucy and I came to live with mama and daddy, that had a beautiful corgi girl named Audrey.  One day, after never having any problem before, Audrey started having a seizure that could not be controlled.  Despite the efforts of our local vet and the staff of a veterinary school in our state, Audrey's seizure continued and she died.  I am impressed that mama and daddy were able to put aside their panic about seizures to make choices about Lucy's care.  So, anyhow, recently Lucy's seizures have become more frequent.  A few days back, she had 3 seizures in one day and mama decided it was time to reconsider putting Lucy on medication.  At about that same time, Lucy had begun to claw at her left ear.

Lucy went off to the vet.  She got lots of tests (that means blood work and needles, yuck!) and got her ears swabbed to check for germy things.  It turns out she had a yeast infection in her ear, which is pretty common, but she also had a strep infection in her ear.  Strep ear!?!  Never heard of such a thing.  The vet said it was the same type of strep that humans get--in fact, our human cousin baby Kendall has had strep a few times. I wonder if that is coincidence?  The vet prescribed drugs for Lucy's seizures and then said she needed some antibiotics and ear drops for her painful, itchy ears.  I feel kind of bad for Lucy, having to get that little tube stuck in her ear to put in the drops, but I guess that's the price you pay for having those floppy ears instead of correct perky ears like mine.
(This is what appropriate ears look like!)

After all that, you'd think we'd settle down for a nice, relaxing weekend.  But Noooo.  My mama and daddy went off to Tulsa to our grandparents' for something called a Garden Railroad Open House.  My grandpa has a ton of toy trains in his yard; they are interesting things, very chasable.  Unfortunately, no dogs were invited.  That day was my mama's birthday and she told us they'd be home after the open house; Aunt Cathy was supposed to come over to put us out to pee later.  Guess what?  No Aunt Cathy.  Instead, our Aunt Vicky showed up.  Now Aunt Vicky is our pet sitter; when she shows up, we can pretty much assume mama and daddy are going to be gone for a while.  As it turns out, daddy did something called "kidnapping" to mama.  Without telling her, daddy arranged for them to go to a nice hotel and have a sushi dinner and they did NOT come home like they were supposed to do.  I was a little bit miffed.

Don't get me wrong, I love it when Aunt Vicky comes to stay with us; she usually lets us do pretty much whatever we want and feeds us peanut butter crackers.  I just don't think it is very nice for mama to say she'll come home but then not do so; I realize she was birthday surprised by it all and didn't mean to mislead us, but if there is a roadtrip with a nice dinner, I want to be included!  Especially sushi--I enjoy fish.  Finally, yesterday, mama and daddy came home, but after being here just a few hours, they left again.  When they came home they smelled like birthday cake and my cousin Quincy the ancient wiener dog--I'm pretty sure they had birthday dinner at my Aunt Cathy's house and AGAIN we dogs were not invited.

And I didn't even mention the fact that Claude got to go to the groomer's for a spa day (after that pooping incident) and I had to stay home.  Excuse me!  I enjoy a nice spa day for bathing, pampering, and beautification--what's the deal taking that old grouch and leaving me behind?

So that's the story of our week and the reason I wasn't able to put up a proper blog post on Sunday as I've promised to do.  I'm enjoying a more sedate day today and, so far, no surprises.  I do believe that humans make life more chaotic than it really has to be.  

Well, that's all for this week, folks.  Take care of each other and watch out for those surprises!

Til next time, 
Love ya, 

Lily the Corgi
(I'm such a good sister; here I am comforting Lucy after her visit to the vet--don't get any of your old strep ear on me, please)

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