Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Yet More Interesting Dog Facts

(This is me with our good friend Tom who came to visit this past weekend.)

Hi all, Lily the corgi here, late again as usual!  This past weekend our good friends Tom and Marcy from Missouri came to visit and my mama was too busy to type my blog for me.  Luckily, having these friends around meant extra petting and attention for me, so I must admit I wasn't too upset about the late blog.  Tom and Marcy think I'm wonderful, as they should, so I like when they show up!

Anyhow, today I'm bringing out another round of interesting dog facts.  So here goes:

*The Newfoundland breed of dog has water-resistant fur and webbed feet.  Maybe they are actually ducks, not dogs!

*According to an Associated Press poll, 72% of dog owners believe their dogs can predict stormy weather.  (My grouchy husky brother Claude is one of those weather predictor dogs, we believe.)

*Dogs have 3 eyelids.

*Dogs' noses secret a thin layer of mucous which absorbs scent.  When the dog then licks his/her nose, a sample of the scents can be tasted.

*Ever wonder why poodles have those super weird haircuts?  Well, originally the cut was given to help them swim better.  The little fuzzy pom-poms were left on to help warm their joints.  (I'd die of embarrassment, personally.)

*It used to be believed that dogs only had black and white vision.  Doggie eye experts now believe that dogs do see in color, along the lines of humans who have red-green blindness.  (This means we are better at seeing green or blue things and not so good at reds and orange.)

*Dogs can donate blood to other dogs.  

*Dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers.  (That's some hard core little dog, there.)

(Cousin Quincy the ancient wiener dog could probably have taken on a badger in his day.  Now he just has a few teeth, so he isn't so much of a hunter anymore.)

Well, that's a few little dog related tidbits to mull over for the rest of this week.  Keep cool out there and I'll see you next week!

Til next time,
Love ya,

Lily the Corgi

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