Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall, Fabulous Fall!


Hi all, Lily the Corgi here.  I know this blog post is a day late, but I was otherwise occupied yesterday.  It was SUCH a wonderful day!  Mama and daddy loaded us up in the truck and we set out on an autumn adventure.  

We drove up the mountain to Lake Fort Smith.  The trees were lovely, the sun was bright but not hot, and the scent of fall was amazing!  I'm a dog so I'm supposed to be excited by the smells, but my
mama says she loves the scent most of all--rotting leaves and acorns, cured grass, and a little touch of wood smoke...those are the smells of fall.  I was slightly disappointed that I wasn't able to sniff out any squirrel action, but that's what my backyard is for!

Once we got to the lake, we hopped out of the truck and struck out on a glorious walk on some of the trails.  We met a nice pit bull and a super chunky bulldog walking on the trails too; mama scolded me for barking at them.  Geez, I was only letting them know that I had taken possession of the area so they'd know how to behave properly.  Anyway, the walk was lovely.

After we walked for a long time, we were tired so we got back to the truck to have a nice bowl of water (you know how Sadie loves to drink water when we're on the road!)  

Then we loaded up and drove around the undeveloped part of the park was SO pretty.  How could anyone not be happy on a day like this?

Even though I am a corgi and so, of course, extremely intelligent and articulate, I simply have nothing to add.  The pictures speak for themselves.  I'm a blessed and happy little being.


I understand this Friday is Halloween.  Be careful of your dogs; all the extra activity of the trick-or-treaters can make dogs very excited...make sure they are kept somewhere they cannot escape or become so upset that they nip someone!  Much as it pains me to have to advocate for the species, be careful with your cats, especially black ones, at this time of year.  And remember...Halloween candy like chocolate can be bad for your dogs, so guard that treat sack (mama forced me to add that last part!)

Til next time, everyone.  Happy Halloween and be careful out there!

Love ya,
Lily the Corgi


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