Sunday, November 2, 2014

Dogs, the Most Interesting Animals in the World

Okay, I allowed ONE Halloween hat picture...sometimes you have to humor the parentals.

Hi, all, Lily the Corgi here.  This week has been pretty uneventful except for the arrival of some true fall weather, which prompted mama to put a comforter on our bed.  My sister Lucy is a super excited girl about this since she loves to snuggle under covers.  I am not such a fan of covers, but I do like to snuggle up to my mama for a while each night--until I get hot.  Also, this past week brought Halloween and it wasn't as big a trial as in years past.  Daddy did his silly dress up thing and giving away candy out in the front yard so there wasn't any annoying doorbell ringing going on.  Mama said we were very good girls and that we'll get a treat as a reward (hello!  where is that treat, by the way?)  Here are a couple of pictures to show you what went on at our house for the haunted evening.

                            Ghoulish daddy             The cousin babies as Yoda and Princess Leia     

Anyway, I thought that today would be a good day to share some more weird and interesting and educational dog facts.  Of course, I must comment on the facts; you'll find my thoughts in red.  For instance, did you know...

Like human babies, Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot in their skull which closes with age?  (I could insert a chihuahua joke here, but I'm trying to be good.)

Teddy Roosevelt's dog, Pete, ripped a French ambassador's pants off at the White House.  (I'm thinking this should happen to politicians much more often.)

70% of pet owners sign their pet's name on greeting and holiday cards.  (Mama does!)

Puppies sleep ninety percent of the day for their first few weeks.  (Lucky puppies!  Adult dogs have work to mole digging and squirrel patrol; we don't have time to sleep!)

(There he nemesis.  See how I glare at him from my hiding spot!)

Rin Tin Tin really signed his movie contracts - all 22 of them - with a pawprint.  (Excuse me, Mr. Tin, could I have your autograph?)

Dalmatian puppies are born completely white.  (As they get older, they get dotty.)

Boxers are so named because of their manner of playing with their front paws.  (I personally like to stand up and paw as well.  Does that make me a boxer??)

Many foot disorders in dogs are simply an issue of long toenails.  (Pretty sure this is propaganda my mama thought up to get me to submit to the dreaded nail clipping.)

The Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts both offer merit badges in dog care.  (Mama says back in her day, the 4H also gave dog care ribbons.  I think this should be taught in all schools and universities.)

 Dogs with little human contact in the first three months typically don't make good pets.  (You've read about my neurotic sister Sadie, who as a feral puppy had no human socialization.  I won't say she's a BAD pet, but she is surely weird.)

(Look at her, too scared to stick her head out the window.)

The Russians trained dogs during WWII to run suicide missions with mines strapped to their backs.  (I'm a big supporter of dogs who serve in the military and police departments, but this is going too far.  Someone find me a Russian I can bite!)

President Lyndon Johnson had two beagles named Him and Her.  (I also read he picked them up by their EARS!  My beagle sister Lucy would not have been a fan of this behavior!)

(Maybe if your ear is folded, the President can't grab it.)

Obesity is the #1 health problem among dogs.  (Another propaganda piece to convince us to stop eating snacks--not working here!)

Speaking of obesity, daddy has made good on that promise to give us a treat!  Yummm...okay, til next time, be good and I gotta go chew this snack.

Love ya,
Lily the Corgi

Info courtesy of  

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