Sunday, January 11, 2015

Welcome to 2015!

Is it 2015 already!?!

Hi, all, Lily the Corgi here, welcoming you to 2015 and wishing you a happy new year!  Wow, it doesn't seem possible another year has come and gone already and we are now speeding our way through 2015.  

We ended up having a very quiet New Year's celebration.  Our friends from out-of-town weren't able to make it so mama, daddy, my sisters, our foster dog Linus, and I just had a nice evening at home. We got some nice treats and watched tv.  At midnight, there was a public fireworks display a mile or so from our house and the booms scared my sister Sadie.  Not long after that, we went to bed so Sadie could feel more secure.  

Pretty soon after the new year kicked off, my mama said that Linus was going to be leaving us.  Really??  I never thought that would actually happen, knowing how mama is about taking in all sorts of down-and-out critters, but she swore it was true.  She said we had to take Linus to the dog park again to be sure he continued to be a good citizen with unknown dogs.  I thought that sounded like a fine idea, so off we went!  We had a lot of fun, running and sniffing.  Mama and daddy wouldn't let us go to the pond because they said it was simply too cold and I couldn't be trusted not to go in the water.  Whatever.  From the standpoint of exposing Linus to other dogs, the trip was pretty much a bust as no one else braved the cold to bring their was kind of nice to have it all to ourselves.

I love spending time at the dog park!

Early last week, mama and daddy seemed to spend a lot of time crying and loving on Linus.  They kept telling him he was going to a rescue somewhere up north where it is cold and snowy and where no one wants to put dogs to sleep just because they find themselves homeless.  I don't think Linus understood because he thought this was his home, so that was a little sad.  One evening, mama and daddy took Linus in the truck and when they came back, he wasn't with them.  We girls at home were a little concerned, but they explained that Linus was going with the rescue lady for an opportunity to go get adopted.  Hey, that happened to me when I was in a foster home, so I understood what was going on.  It made me happy for Linus...and it made me very happy for US, because it is much calmer and more peaceful and quieter without that big lug in our house!

I hope you get a nice home, Linus, where they give you lots of ice cubes to munch!

So, life has become a bit calmer now, back to a more normal state.  Well, except that our bedroom carpet is put together with duct tape; that's still a bit weird.  Mama says we'll be getting wood floors soon, something about money.  I don't understand money so I'm not sure what she means, but that's okay.  I remember when we had wood floors in our house in Bartlesville; the wood was nice and cool on my tummy and I liked it.  

You know I'm not the biggest fan of cats, but I do have a cat cousin named Belle.  Belle lives in Tulsa with Lily the human who's named after me.  Belle is a big cat girl and is 15 years old...even older than my cousin Quincy the ancient wiener dog!  A couple of days ago, Belle went to the vet for some routine dental work and the vet discovered a mass behind one of her eyes.  The vet says it may be cancer.  Now, I don't know much about medical things, but even I know cancer is a terrible, evil disease that sickens and disfigures and kills.  So, even though cats aren't my favorite beast, I'd like to ask you to keep a good thought for cousin Belle as she awaits some test results.

I'll try to keep you updated on Linus' progress at finding a family at his new rescue up north and I'll let you know how things turn out for Belle.  As for Lucy, Sadie, and me, we are staying warm and cozy, curled up on the couches enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon with mama.  Oh!  And mama says she is going to go volunteer to do work at Kitties and Kanines instead of getting another foster dog; now that sounds like a wonderful idea!  Life just doesn't get any better.

Til next time, take care of one another and stay warm!

Love ya,

Lily the Corgi
Getting a little scratch while I lie by mama as she works on the computer.

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