Sunday, January 18, 2015

What's With All The Humping?. And Other Random Thoughts.

 I'm not usually food aggressive, but I hold my own if I have to.

Hi, all, Lily the Corgi here.  Well, you know how last week I was all calm and happy and Zen because we got rid of Linus the foster and mama was going to volunteer at the spay neuter clinic?  Yeah, well, guess what?

Our newest thing is called Clark.  He's actually quite a funny guy, playful; he knows a few basic commands and has a few house manners.  He was at that same shelter where Linus lived and his story is just ridiculous.  Clark was chosen to go to  a rescue group in Colorado, but since there was no immediate transportation for him, he was going to be killed to free up space.  Come on, people, he's pretty small--he wasn't taking up that much space!  Anyway, my mama heard that sob story so now we have a new foster.

Right off the bat, Clark and I got off to a bad start.  When we were let out to go pee, Clark barged his way out ahead of all us girls, like he thought he owned the place.  I didn't let a second pass without telling him he was sadly mistaken about that idea.  Then we came in the house to eat supper and right away, the beast tried to eat MY food.  Seriously?  Any person, canine, feline, or anything else should know it is just not prudent to get between a corgi girl and her groceries.  Clark and I had a little dust up about that; I have to give him credit for not giving up and peeing himself, but, of course, I still had to show him that I am the queen of this castle.

Here Clark and I, getting along.

Since then Clark and I have been okay.  Now, Sadie and Lucy, however, are still having trouble.  You see, Clark is a humpaholic.  That animal thinks he should hop up and mount anything that moves; he approached me once and hasn't made the same mistake, but Sadie and Lucy are not as dominant as I am, so they've let him get away with far too much.  My daddy calls him "Humpapotamus."

Clark has been neutered and it goes without saying that all us girls are spayed, but that hasn't slowed Clark down any. Last night he even tried to hump mama's friend Marcy's leg!  And then I started thinking about humping.  You know, sometimes Sadie humps Lucy; they are both girls, so that can't be about mating.  So, I'm asking myself, what is the deal with all this humping??

Mama helped me look up some info from our friends at WebMD--Pets and found a few answers.  According to their vets, humping by unneutered/unspayed dogs under a year old is usually sexual (geez, don't kids these days have any shame?)  However, in adult dogs, humping is usually about showing dominance, excitement, or is a sign the creature doesn't know how to behave properly.  Clark is an adult guy and neutered, and he seems to know how to behave properly in most cases, so with him we're probably looking at dominance or excitement.  While Clark can get riled up and excited when he plays hard or when strangers come to the house, the majority vote by a long shot here is that he is trying to show dominance.  Mama says he is trying to hump his way into his place in the social order of our household; I say he can hump himself right on to his place in the van that will take him to Colorado in a couple of weeks!

Don't let that innocent face fool you; under the surface, he's just a little humpaholic

I've told you before that my sister Sadie is crazy.  She is a very neurotic dog and gets very anxious and weird when anyone strange comes to visit--even people she knows and loves.  Last night, 3 of my mama and daddy's friends were here for a dinner and some card games, and Sadie climbed right up on the couch with them for petting!  That is a HUGE leap forward for 'fraidy Sadie.  She seemed so happy to be up there, getting all that love and attention; I was so pleased for her.  Or maybe she was just trying to get away from Clark.

Last week, I asked you to pray for my cat cousin Belle.  Today, I have to bring the bad news that Belle has passed on to the Rainbow Bridge.  The tests showed she had an aggressive cancer and her parents felt it was best to let her go peacefully before she had to endure a lot of pain and suffering.  I know Belle was met there by my big brother Claude the grouchy husky and all our family pets who've gone before her.  Enjoy your time at the bridge, Belle, and we'll see you when we get there.

That's about all I have for today.  All you humans, give your fur-babies a little extra belly rub tonight in honor of cousin Belle and everyone be sure to take care of one another.

Til next time,

Love ya,

Lily the Corgi

Sometimes I just feel like rolling over and taking a time out from the weirdness of life.

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